Ideal for glazing large items such as turkey, chickens, pork roasts and hams. Also great for glazing smaller items such as chicken breasts, pork chops, and seafood. Fabulous on desserts!

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1 (9-ounce) packet Chef Paul Prudhomme's Magic Glaze
3 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons water
How To Prepare
Combine water and packet contents in a small pan. Stir well over low heat until mixture begins to boil.
FOR LARGE ITEMS: About 15 minutes before the end of the cooking time, remove the item from the oven and increase temperature to 450 F. When glaze mixture is boiling, immediately brush on half of the glaze and return item to oven. Continue to cook at 450 F just until golden brown (about 10 to 15 minutes). Remove from oven and brush with remaining glaze.
FOR SMALL ITEMS: Prepare glaze as above. Prepare your favorite items in a skillet or oven. Just before serving, brush with a little glaze, then cook briefly to heat the glaze.
FOR LARGE ITEMS: About 15 minutes before the end of the cooking time, remove the item from the oven and increase temperature to 450 F. When glaze mixture is boiling, immediately brush on half of the glaze and return item to oven. Continue to cook at 450 F just until golden brown (about 10 to 15 minutes). Remove from oven and brush with remaining glaze.
FOR SMALL ITEMS: Prepare glaze as above. Prepare your favorite items in a skillet or oven. Just before serving, brush with a little glaze, then cook briefly to heat the glaze.