Provides 2 oz Meat plus ⅛ cup Other Vegetable according to USDA Child Nutrition Program guidelines.
Categories: Foodservice
Turkey Taco Filling (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
One portion provides 2 ounce Equivalent Meat / Meat Alternate and ¼ cup other Vegetable according to the Child Nutrition Program guidelines.
Creole Sauce (2 Gallons)
Magic Marinara Sauce (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
Magic Marinara is perfect for spaghetti, meatballs, pizza sauce, bread or cheese stick dipping sauce, lasagna, and more! Provides ½ cup Vegetable (¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable plus ¼ cup Other Vegetable) for the USDA Child Nutrition Program.
Sweet & Spicy Corn on the Cob (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
Provides ½ cup Starchy Vegetable per serving according to Child Nutrition Program guidleines.
Spanish Rice (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
This is a School Nutrition Bulk recipe.
Spicy Sweet Potato Fries (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
Provides ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable per serving according to the Child Nutrition Program guidelines.
Pizza Fries (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
Serving Recommendation: Provides ½ cup starchy vegetable per serving. Serve ½ cup Pizza Fries with ¼ cup Magic Marinara Sauce & add ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable per serving.
Italian Chicken Salad Wrap (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
USDA Child Nutrition Program Component/Subgroup Yield 2 ounce meat/meat alternate 2 ounce equivalent grains* ½ cup total creditable vegetable ¼ cup red/orange vegetable ¼ cup dark green vegetable
Black Bean Soup (Child Nutrition – 50 Servings)
Each 1 cup serving provides ½ cup Bean/Pea Vegetable Component for the USDA Child Nutrition Program.