Chef Paul’s Corn Maque Choux

Maque choux, pronounced “mock-shoe,” is a traditional south Louisiana vegetarian dish that always contains corn, but you can also add diced cooked chicken or fish. It’s great served with chopped fresh tomatoes on top.



Makes 10-12 side-dish servings


8 tablespoons margarine
¼ cup vegetable oil
7 cups fresh corn kernels (about 14 ears) or frozen corn kernels
1 cup very finely chopped onions
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons Chef Paul Prudhomme's Vegetable Magic®
2½ cups vegetable stock, in all
1 cup non-dairy cream, in all
2 eggs

How To Prepare

In a large skillet, preferably nonstick, combine 4 tablespoons of margarine and the vegetable oil with the corn, onions, sugar, and Vegetable Magic®. Cook over high heat until the corn is tender and a crust starts to form on the bottom of the skillet, about 12-14 minutes, stirring occasionally, then stirring more as the mixture starts sticking. Gradually stir in 1 cup of the stock, scraping the bottom of the skillet to remove the crust as you stir. Continue cooking for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the remaining 4 tablespoons of margarine, stir until melted, and cook about 5 minutes stirring frequently and scraping the skillet as needed. Reduce the heat to low and cook about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add ¼ cup additional stock and cook about 15 minutes, stirring fairly frequently. Add the remaining 1 cup of stock and cook about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in ½ cup of the non dairy cream and continue cooking until most of the liquid is absorbed, about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat.

Combine the eggs and the remaining ½ cup non dairy cream in a bowl and beat with a whisk until very frothy, about 1 minute. Add this mixture to the corn, stirring well. The heat from the corn will cook the eggs just enough to give this dish a rich, frothy texture. Serve immediately.

Copyright © 1995 by Paul Prudhomme

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